
Online savings service


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Are your personal details up to date?

To check, please sign in and select the ‘My details’ tab at the top and head to the ‘Personal Details’ area.

To update your details, hit the “send us a message” button and let us know what’s changed.


Once registered, you can access your account(s) with the username you created during the registration process.

If you’ve not yet registered to use this service, you can do so now.

Once you’ve completed some basic details and provided your account number, we will post a 6-character activation code to you.

Once you have received your activation code, please enter it by clicking on the link above.

If you don't have an activation code or have lost it please call us on 0344 225 3939.

You will need your application reference number and password to resume your application.

You can find your reference number in the email that we sent you when you last saved your application.

Please note:
We launched this new online savings service in November 2020 and the previous service has been switched off.  If you have any questions, please call us on 0344 225 3939.

For more help, please see below

Click here to register.

Our previous online savings service was switched off in November 2020. If you’ve not yet registered for the new service, you can do so here.

If you have any questions, please call us on 0344 225 3939.

Please click here to enter your activation code. If you don't have your activation code please call us on 0344 225 3939.

It can take up to 7 days to receive the letter in the post containing the activation code.

To get a new code, please call our customer service team on 0344 225 3939 or email savings@ccbank.co.uk.

Haven’t quite found what you’re looking for?

Take a look at our Useful documents and FAQs page or get in touch with our customer service team:

Call us on:

0344 225 3939

Fax us on:

0116 254 4637

email us at:


Find us at:

Cambridge & Counties Bank
Charnwood Court
5B New Walk
Leicester LE1 6TE

    The personal information you supply to Cambridge & Counties Bank in this form will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 to help your enquiry. We may share this information with other departments, or law enforcement organisations to improve service delivery or for the prevention of crime and fraud where the law allows this. Further information on how we handle your personal information can be found on our Privacy page.

    Already a customer?

    You can open as many accounts as you need, subject to the overall deposit limits. Please contact us for further information by calling 0344 225 3939 or email us at savings@ccbank.co.uk.

    Where your account allows and when your account is open to additional deposits, you can pay funds into your account by electronic transfer from your nominated current account or by cheque (made payable to your organisation name). To pay in funds, you will need to use the sort code and 8-digit account number which we provided in your welcome letter. You can find details about when your account is open/closed for deposits at www.ccbank.co.uk/addingfunds or by calling us on 0344 225 3939.

    If any changes need to be made to the account please complete the change of details form. Alternatively, call us on 0344 225 3939 or email us at savings@ccbank.co.uk and we will advise you.

    The full Terms & Conditions of the account can be found on the product pages or on the Useful documents and FAQs page.

    For notice and easy access accounts

    If you have registered for our online savings service, you can give notice online via the My Accounts option. Alternatively, you can give notice on your account by calling us on 0344 225 3939.

    You can also give notice by completing a notice to withdraw form. These forms are contained within your welcome pack which you receive when you open an account. If you need additional forms, they can be downloaded and printed.

    Once completed, the form can be emailed, faxed or posted to us and we will confirm receipt by email.

    Once the notice period has expired, the requested funds will be transferred back to your nominated current account electronically, by faster payment, on the following working day and your account will be closed.