
We believe that the individual differences and the contributions of everyone in our team enables us to work effectively together to deliver great customer experiences.

This underpins our strategy of actively attracting, employing and retaining a diverse and adaptable team. Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of all sections of society and that each employee feels respected and able to give their best. We promote equality and fairness for everyone who has contact with the Bank, regardless of whether they are actual or potential customers, staff members, suppliers or other stakeholders.

As part of our commitment to inclusion and greater diversity within our industry, we joined the Women in Finance Charter in 2017.


Women in Finance Charter

Our pledge

By 2025, we are committed to achieve:

  • Increasing the number of women holding senior management roles (including Board) to 40%
  • Increasing the number of women in our apprentice, intern and graduate programmes to 75%, enabling more women to start their careers in financial services
  • Ensuring female representation on our internal development programme is 50%

Our progress so far...

Cambridge & Counties Bank has always been committed to increasing diversity within both our own team and within the Banking industry as a whole, since the Bank launched 10 years ago. Signing the Charter in July 2017 was a positive step in re-enforcing our pledge to gender balance across financial services. When we signed up to the Charter in July 2017, we had 16% female representation in senior management, 25% female representation on executive committee, and 11% female representation on our Board.

Five years later, at the end of September 2022, we have: 32% female representation at senior management, with 33% of our Executive Committee being female. We have 30% female representation on our Board.

Whilst that is great progress, it is not enough and our journey continues – for 2023 we are determined to ensure that our female representation at all levels of senior management continues to be a minimum of 32% and look to increasing that by 2025 to 40%. Our apprentice, intern and graduate programmes will enable more women to get into the industry, targeting specialisms within the Bank where traditionally women are under-represented – we aim to have 75% female representation on each of these schemes. Our internal development programmes are focused on developing diversity within our talent pipeline by ensuring that 50% of all participants are women.