Our commitment to a greener future is one that we pride ourselves on. It’s about doing the right thing, an ethos that is at the core of our values.
Our first step has been to minimise our carbon footprint
Our energy use
We are dedicated to reducing the energy we use; this means reducing unnecessary printing, and motion sensor lights that only turn on when someone is in the room.
Our suppliers
We encourage our suppliers and contractors to learn more about our passion for environmental practices and work in the same way.
Our recycling
We make sure to recycle everything we can, from general office waste, to the paper bags our sandwiches come in, and the plastic milk bottles we use. We don’t like to waste a thing; we try not to throw anything away that we can still use or buy more than we need.
Our green team
Every month, we analyse all the resources we’re using, and we adapt accordingly if we think we could be doing better to reduce our carbon footprint. To help us continuously improve, we have a dedicated Green Team that identify areas we can be greener in, and to share advice that we can take beyond the office and into our homes.
Our progress so far
This website is hosted green
Our website hoster is using green energy / compensation for its services.
We've assessed our carbon footprint
We are proud to be a carbon neutral organisation
Our awards and certifications
We are accredited by Investors in the Environment (iiE), a not-for-profit accreditation scheme. iiE supports businesses in improving environmental performance and they’ve helped guide us in the good practices we employ today.
We’re proud of what we do and even more proud to be recognised for our efforts by receiving several awards, including the Green Award for seven consecutive years since 2015.
We are committed to maintaining the good progress we’ve already made, and we aim to keep raising our standards and increasing our involvement in good environmental practices.
Our projects
Climate change and sustainability
A considerable amount of work has been carried out on understanding the risk that climate change poses to our customers, their business models, and the collateral that underpins our property lending portfolio. We continue to work with research centres in developing our thoughts and action plans, whilst at the same time addressing our own carbon footprint.
Carbon off-setting
The project Portel-Pará Reduced Deforestation (REDD+) in Brazil, aims to protect a thriving, fully grown section of the Amazon rainforest. We have worked alongside Carbon Footprint Ltd to calculate and verify our greenhouse gas emissions. This is then used to calculate how much carbon should be offset to maintain our Carbon Neutral Plus accreditation through schemes such as REDD+.
Growing our own forest
We are proud to partner with Treedom to grow our very own forest. We have pledged to gift every employee at Cambridge & Counties Bank a planted tree. The tree species planted are native or respect the biodiversity of the different territories, e.g. cacao, coffee, avocado, mango & baobab. In addition, the trees and their fruits belong to the farmers, allowing them to diversify and supplement their income and in some cases to launch micro-entrepreneurship initiatives.
Our commitments
See our commitments to you, our environment and the community.
We want to make a difference by supporting our community and local charities within it. Learn more about the work we do with charities.
Sponsorship & partners
Take a look at the sponsorship and partnerships that we have developed.
Awards we’ve won
Take a look at the awards we’ve won.