
We always work hard to provide a great service to our customers however, if you do have an issue you would like to raise, we’d like to know so that we can try to resolve the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We'll do everything we can to manage and resolve your complaint. Once received,we’ll either call or write to you promptly to let you know what we’ve done to resolve your complaint or inform you of the progress we’ve made, the contact details of the person dealing with your complaint and when you can expect a full response.

If within 8 weeks, you haven’t heard from us, or you’re dissatisfied with our response, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for an independent review if you are deemed eligible, see below for eligibility guidelines. The time limit for referring complaints to the FOS is 6 months from the date of our final response.

How to make a complaint

Please include your name, address, contact number and account number (if applicable) with any correspondence.

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Call us

You can contact us by telephone on
0344 225 3939.

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Send us an email

You can contact us by email at complaints@ccbank.co.uk


Write to us

You can write to us at:
Charnwood Court
5B New Walk, Leicester LE1 6TE

Complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

The FOS will only consider your complaint once you’ve tried to resolve the issue with us, so please contact us first and we’ll do all we can to help.

Please find details below of who can refer their complaint to the FOS under their current criteria:

  • Consumers
  • Micro-enterprises
    A micro-enterprise is a business which:
    - employs fewer than 10 people and
    - has annual turnover or a balance sheet that does not exceed €2 million
  • Small businesses
    A small business is a business which:
    - is not a micro-enterprise.
    - has an annual turnover of less than £6.5 million and
    - has a balance sheet total of less than £5 million, or employs fewer than 50 people
  • Charities which has an annual income of less than £6.5 million.
  • Trustees of a trust which has net asset value of less than £5 million.
  • Guarantors who has given security or a guarantee for their business loan, if the business is a micro-enterprise or small business.

Address: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

Tel: 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567

Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk

Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk


Complaints to the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA)

If you want to make a complaint with the FLA in reference to our Asset Finance, you can find information on their website. In the first instance, you will need to complete the FLA Business Finance Code Complaints form and send it to business.finance@fla.org.uk. The FLA also offers an independent mediation scheme for exceptional complaints.

In order for the FLA to consider your complaint you must exhaust our internal complaints process first, ensuring there is no ongoing legal action relating to the complaint. Please note, the FLA will not consider complaints where the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has made a determination.

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